This month, November, is remembered (hopefully) for giving thanks--for what God has done for our country and our families. Every month, we should be thankful for everything we have around us--food, clothing, shelter, family, God's Word, and Jesus Christ.
On her blog, 'Untraveled Path', Costume Queen is hosting "14 Days of Thankfulness". The following is what she said about it:
It started today, and if you would like to join or share about it on your blog, feel free to do so. God bless and thank you, Costume Queen, for letting us know about it! :)In celebration of Thanksgiving this year, I would like to start a two-week event. I will be posting at least one thing I am thankful for every day, starting November 13 and ending on Thanksgiving, November 26. If you would like to do the same, please feel free to join me by participating in this event! Here are the guidelines:
1. Copy the picture above and post it on your blog, either on a sidebar or in a post.
2. Link back to Untraveled Path (exact link to this page: so that readers of your blog can participate if they wish.
3. Post "thankful for" posts each day. If this is impractical for you, feel free to lower the number (every other day instead of every day, etc.).
I challenge you to think outside the box during this event. You can definitely be thankful for things such as health, family, Jesus Christ's redeeming love, etc. But I want you to also reflect on the "small" things that go by without notice.
You know what I mean: the art class you go to every Thursday that you were able to afford, the one friendly person who always says hi to you, your computer that you are able to use whenever you want.
Your "thank you"s don't necessarily have to be typical, general, or "spiritual." They should be personal, unique.
They can be objects you enjoy using, awesome events that happened, talents you possess, or people you appreciate.
Really think about those things you take for granted, and take the time to say THANK YOU to the Lord for providing them!
Feel free to simply list something you are thankful for every day, or describe the item/event/person as thoroughly as you want.
A list of participants will be posted with their respective blog links. If you've decided to join, please leave a comment with your name and blog URL!
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